戴尔latitude3330快速存储技术驱动工具For Win8 64位-latitude 3330
Intel Rapid Storage Technology Driver
This package provides Intel Rapid Storage Technology F6 Driver and is supported Latitude E5 and E6 series, Optiplex 990 and x010 series and Precision T1650 and Mx700 series running the following Windows Operating Systems: Windows 8 (64-bit).
发布日期: 2013/4/26
重要性: 推荐
文件名: DRVR_SATA_Intel_A01_X50R1_f6flpy-x64-setup_ZPE.exe
说明: This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files. Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run (double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow the instructions to complete the installation.
下载类型: HTTP
文件大小: 466KB
Latitude 3330
Latitude 6430U
Latitude E5430
Latitude E5530
Latitude E6230
Latitude E6330
Latitude E6430
Latitude E6430 ATG
Latitude E6430s
Latitude E6530
Optiplex 7010
Optiplex 9010
Optiplex 9010
Precision M4700
Precision M6700
Precision T1650
MS Windows 8,64位
Intel Rapid Storage Technology
戴尔latitude3330快速存储技术驱动工具For Win8 64位-latitude 3330 工具地址