戴尔latitude3330管理引擎驱动工具For Win8 64位-latitude 3330
Intel management Engine 8.1 Components Installer
Intel Management Engine 8.x Components Installer
发布日期: 2013/4/26
重要性: 推荐
文件名: SWB_DRVR_ME8P1_5M_8_1_30_1350_MR_A00_SETUP_ZPE.exe
说明: This file contains a compressed (or zipped) set of files. Download the file to a folder on your hard drive, and then run (double-click) it to unzip the set of files. Follow the instructions to complete the installation.
下载类型: HTTP
文件大小: 46MB
文件名: Chipset_Driver_CYK5W_WN_8.1.30.1349_A00.EXE
说明: Update Packages for Windows can be used as a stand-alone application to apply an update and ensure that specific validation criteria are met before performing the update. See the Dell Update Package User's Guide for more information.
Note: As of October 10th, 2005, Update Packages for Windows will be digitally signed. Customers using Dell OpenManage™ IT Assistant to deploy updates must upgrade to version 7.1 or later.
下载类型: HTTP
文件大小: 52MB
Latitude 3330
MS Windows 7,32位
MS Windows 7,64位
MS Windows 8,32位
MS Windows 8,64位
MS Windows XP
Intel Management Engine 8.x Components Installer
Dell Device
戴尔latitude3330管理引擎驱动工具For Win8 64位-latitude 3330 工具地址